
275th anniversary of the Goldberg Variations publishing 1741
The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)
Česky ... http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - 5. ročník cyklu koncertů komorní hudby v Praze (1. - 16. listopad 2016)English ... http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Charity concert CELLO SUITES for Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontičres will take place on Thursday 3rd November 2016 at 7:30 p.m., at the Military Church of St. Jan Nepomucký (Kanovnická 5/72, Praha 1 - Hradčany).http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Screening of new music documentary film MAKANNA will take place on Wednesday 9th November 2016 at 7 p.m., at Unijazz (Jindřišská 5, Praha 1).http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Organ concert GOLDBERG VARIATIONS 1741 will take place on Thursday 10th November 2016 at 7 p.m., at Loreta (Loretánské nám. 7, Praha 1 - Hradčany).http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Cello concert DUO BRIKCIUS - ITALIAN BAROQUE MASTERS will take place on Tuesday 15th November 2016 at 7 p.m., at the Baroque Chapel of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Praga (Vlašská 34, Praha 1). http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Poetry reading POETRY DAY - NOCÍ PROŠEL DEN from Anna Brikciusová's new poetry collection, with accompanying cello music by the author, is scheduled for Wednesday 16th November 2016 at 4 p.m., at the Štefánik Observatory (Strahovská 205, Praha 1).
3rd November9th November
10th November15th November16th November
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Support (Support us)

http://www.Praha1.cz - Městská část Praha 1 - auspices
Charity concert:
http://www.Lekari-Bez-Hranic.cz - Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontičres
http://www.Kaplani.Army.cz - Duchovní služba AČR | Armáda
http://www.iicpraga.esteri.it - Istituto Italiano di Cultura Praga / Italský kulturní institut v Praze
http://www.Loreta.cz - Loreta Prague
http://www.Reger2016.de - the portal for the Reger-year 2016
http://www.Observatory.cz - Štefánikova hvězdárna / Štefánik Observatory
http://www.DenPoezie.cz - 18th Festival Poetry Day 2016
http://www.Unijazz.cz - Unijazz
Daniel Pearl World Music Days
Press photographies:
Cellist Anna Brikciusová
(Photography by Marek Malůšek)
http://www.Brikcius.com - DUO BRIKCIUS, Anna Brikciusová: Czech Cellist - Opening concert "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" (Prague, Dům u Kamenného zvonu, GHMP, 2008)
Cellist František Brikcius
(Photography by Marek Malůšek)
http://www.Brikcius.com - František Brikcius: Czech Cellist, Talichův komorní orchestr & Jan Talich: Conductor - Concert "7 Candles" (Prague, Klášter sv. Anežky české - NG, 2006)
Organist Irena Kosíková
(Photography by http://www.iKosik.com)
http://www.iKosik.com - Irena Kosíková - Varhanice & Skladatelka / Organist & Composer / Organiste & Compositeur

Press reports:
Press report "Festival Brikcius 2016" (cz)

Press report "Festival Brikcius 2016" (en)

& video "Festival Brikcius 2016"

Poster & video "Charity Concert for Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontičres"

Cover of the book the Eutanazie by Anna Brikciusová

Festival's brochure 2016:

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(250 x 250 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(250 x 250 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(468 x 60 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(125 x 125 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(120 x 600 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(160 x 600 px)
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(728 x 90 px)

Banner "Festival Brikcius 2016"
(745 x 100 px)

- Český rozhlas: "Zamyšlení nad Chanukou a Festival Brikcius | Šalom"
- Radio Proglas: Interview about Festival Brikcius
- VelkaEpocha.sk: "Kamenný zvon se rozezní komorními tóny - Festival Brikcius"
- prag aktuell: "Kammerreihe im Haus zur Steinernen Glocke"
- Český rozhlas: "Praha bude svědkem baletu Makanna"
- The Epoch Times/NYC: "Cello Duo Revives Compositions of Holocaust Victims"
- The Tourism Today: "Çalabildiđim her dakika benim hazinem gibi..."
- WebMagazin.cz: "Pod taktovkou Bedřicha Smetany"
- Scena.cz: "Rádo se stalo"
- Český rozhlas: "Seven Candles to remember Czech composers who died in the Holocaust"
- JTA: "Czech Cellist is on Mission"

- Radio Proglas: "Připomenutí osudů"
- Česká televize: "Makanna - román jako balet a balet jako koncert"
- WebMagazin: "Hudba z početí písmen eSACHERe"
- The Prague Post: "Cellist Brikcius and collaborators celebrate author Jiří Weil"
- Babinet.cz: "Lidé jsou nezbytnou součástí každého koncertu"
- Radio Proglas: "Prorokovo slovo"
- Newsletter NOVINKY: "Musím vždy respektovat možnosti varhan" (rozhovor s Irenou Kosíkovou)
- Reflex: "Událost týdne"
- Místní kultura: "Velká hudební výzva"
- The Prague Post: "Touring for Terezín"
- Newsletter NOVINKY: "Mám svůj nástroj z dílny J. Gagliana 1780" (rozhovor s Janem Talichem)
- Právo: "Židovské skladby zazní v Terezíně"
Festival tip: Did you know that the cello has a sound post wedged between the front and the back desk of the instrument?


http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)
Subscribe, Follow, Like, ...:
Subscribe FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS RSS 2.0 Feed - http://www.Brikcius.com/Brikcius.xml Subscribe FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS on YouTube - http://www.YouTube.com/FrantisekBrikciusFollow FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS on Twitter @Brikcius - http://Twitter.com/BrikciusLike FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS page on FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/FestivalBrikciusFollow FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS (Brikcius) on Instagram - http://Instagram.com/Brikcius

Support festival:
Český rozhlas: "Seven Candles to remember Czech composers who died in the Holocaust"

http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 5th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (1st - 16th November 2016)

2012 - 2016 © Brikcius.com