Daniel Pearl World Music Days
the 20th Festival Poetry Day
the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia
the 208th anniversary of the birth of poet Karel Hynek Mácha
the 333rd anniversary of the birth of Johann Sebastian Bac
The 7th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (14th - 16th November 2018)
Česky ... http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - 7. ročník cyklu koncertů komorní hudby v Praze (14. - 16. listopad 2018)English ... http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - 7th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (14th - 16th November 2018)

http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Opening charity concert < 1918 > for Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontičres / František Brikcius - Cello / will take place on Wednesday 14th November 2018 at 7 p.m., at the Baroque Chapel of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Praga (Vlašská 34, Praha 1).http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Cello concert DUO BRIKCIUS & #CZECH100 / Anna Brikciusová - Cello & František Brikcius - Cello / will take place on Thursday 15th November 2018 at 7 p.m., at the Military Church of St. Jan Nepomucký (Kanovnická 5/72, Praha 1 - Hradčany). http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Poetry reading POETRY DAY - DO BOUŘE / Anna Brikciusová - Cello, Narrator / is scheduled for Friday 16th November 2018 at 6 p.m., at the New Mill Water Tower (Nové mlýny 827/3A, Praha 1).
14th November15th November16th November
http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Support (Support us)

Charity concert:
http://www.Lekari-Bez-Hranic.cz - Lékaři bez hranic | Médecins Sans Frontičres

http://www.iicpraga.esteri.it - Istituto Italiano di Cultura Praga / Italský kulturní institut v Praze

http://www.Kaplani.Army.cz - Duchovní služba AČR | Armáda

http://www.MuzeumPrahy.cz - Muzeum hlavního města Prahy - básnické čtení DEN POEZIE - V MAJÁKU

http://www.DenPoezie.cz - 20th Festival Poetry Day 2018

Daniel Pearl World Music Days
  Would you like to support FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS, either financially or otherwise, but don't know how? Please choose one of many options mentioned below. Thank you.



  Art has always depended on the support of patrons. Become, like the Old Roman diplomat Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (68 BC – 8 BC), a patron and supporter of the arts.
  Support the festival (via the below-mentioned bank account number, personally or via PayPal online banking system). Your support will be used to cover festival running expenses.

Bank conenction:
Bank number account: 763 730 1005/4000
IBAN: CZ38 4000 000 000 763 730 1005
Expobank CZ, Václavské nám. 40, Praha 1

Festival box office:
Open on the day of the festival concerts (cca 18:00 - 21:00) at the venue.



  Crowdfunding is the collection of finance from the "crowd" to fund an initiative and usually occurs on Internet platforms. Support Festival Brikcius on the festival's fund raising website
http://www.GoFundMe.com/FestivalBrikcius .


  Is your company willing to support FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS with money, publicity or other material support? Let us know.


  Become a volunteer of Festival Brikcius. Let us know.

Festival tip: Did you know that one of the biggest patrons of the music in the 2nd half of the 20th century, Swiss conductor and maecenas Paul Sacher, supported Czech composer Bohuslav Martinů?


http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 7th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (14th - 16th November 2018)
Subscribe, Follow, Like, ...:
Subscribe FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS RSS 2.0 Feed - http://www.Brikcius.com/Brikcius.xml Subscribe FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS on YouTube - http://www.YouTube.com/FrantisekBrikcius Follow FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS on Twitter @Brikcius - http://Twitter.com/Brikcius Like FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS page on FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/FestivalBrikcius Follow FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS (Brikcius) on Instagram - http://Instagram.com/Brikcius

Support festival:
The Prague Post: "Touring for Terezín"

http://Festival.Brikcius.com - FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - The 7th Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (14th - 16th November 2018)

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