Czech cellist František Brikcius was born in Prague, into a family with a distinguished cultural background. He has been playing the cello since early childhood. Following his cello studies at the Prague Conservatoire, he completed his Master's degree at the Janáček Academy of Music (JAMU) in the Czech republic. He furthered his cello skills at the Toho Gakuen Academy in Japan and later under the guidance of legendary cellist Prof. Anna Shuttleworth (student of Pablo Casals) in the United Kingdom (Eton Cello Master Classes and the University of Leeds).

  He won the 2nd prizes at the Anglo-Czech Competition in London (1999), the International String Competition London (2000) and the International String Competition Jihlava (2003). He has been awarded many scholarships and fellowships, including the Czech Music Foundation (CHF), the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Music Foundation OSA, the Socrates-Erasmus, and the Gideon Klein Foundation for the propagation of works written by Jewish Holocaust Composers.

  František chose to dedicate his life to the interpretation of cello compositions written by composers of the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, giving special consideration to compositions for solo cello. His favourites are cello suites by Johann Sebastian Bach, Max Reger, Ernest Bloch and Benjamin Britten.

  He is particularly involved in researching, studying and performing works by Czech (Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů, Josef Suk and Irena Kosíková), Jewish & Terezín (Gideon Klein, Erwin Schulhoff, Zikmund Schul, Jaromír Weinberger, James Simon and David Popper) and contemporary composers (Conrad Beck, Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Benjamin Britten, Henri Dutilleux, Wolfgang Fortner, Alberto Ginastera, Cristobal Halffter, Hans Werner Henze, Heinz Holliger, Klaus Huber and Witold Lutoslawski), playing on a "George Kriwalski" cello made in 1904.

  Together with his sister Anna Brikciusová, he is a founder member of the "Duo Brikcius". He is artistic director of Festival Brikcius - Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague, Bach Festival Gers in France and Waltham Forest Cello Fest (the 1st London Borough of Culture meets Classical Music) in London.

  František works as independent film-maker as well. His first music documentary film MAKANNA (in the cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague and under the auspices of Sir Tom Stoppard and Václav Havel) was already screened in the Czech republic, China, Mexico and Portugal. He is currently working on new music documentary film eSACHERe (2025).

  As a soloist František has performed at many festivals in Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ghana, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Liberia, Liberland, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Togo, Turkey, Uzbekistan and the United Kingdom.

  František has been teaching cello for many years. He is experienced at taking students at all levels, able to give master classes as well as support beginners. He is giving cello master classes in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and remotely online via Zoom/Skype.

  Served as a jury member in various competitions including the Berliner International Music Competition in Germany, the Music and Stars Awards, the Music International Grand Prix, the Sound Espressivo Global Competition, the Palm Beach International Music Awards, the King's Peak International Music Competition and the Baku International Cinema Festival in Azerbaijan.

  More information about František Brikcius and his many cello projects is available on the websites , and .

  František Brikcius, violoncelliste tchèque, est né à Prague dans une famille à forte tradition culturelle. Il a commencé à se consacrer au violoncelle dès son enfance. Diplômé du Conservatoire de Prague, sous la direction de Prof. Jaroslav Kulhan, il a été reçu à l'Académie des arts de Janáček ( JAMU ) à Brno, dans la classe de violoncelle de Prof. Bedřich Havlík. Il a obtenu son diplôme et le titre " MgA " avec Prof. Evžen Rattay à la JAMU.

  Il poursuit ses études d'abord en Grande-Bretagne, dans la Master class de violoncelle de Prof. Anna Shuttleworth ( Eton Cello Master Classes et University of Leeds ), ensuite à Toho Gakuen au Japon.

  František Brikcius est lauréat du concours Anglo-Czech Competition à Londres ( 1999 ), 2nd prix au concours international International String Competition London ( 2000 ) à Londres, 2nd prix au concours international International String Competition ( 2003 ) à Jihlava. Il a reçu la distinction du titre " Boursier de la Fondation musicale tchèque ( ČHF ) " pour l'interprétation des compositeurs tchèques de 2001 à 2002.

  František Brikcius a été soutenu par : la Fondation Josef, Marie e Zdeňka Hlávek, Österreichisches Kulturinstitut Prag, Johannes Brahms Wettbewerb, Fondation musicale tchèque ( ČHF ), Fondation Gideon Klein pour la promotion de l'œuvre de Gideon Klein, Fondation "Pour le talent", Fondation OSA, Fondation Charte 77, Foundation Život Umělce, Summer Academy in Semmering Scholarship, Socrates-Erasmus Scholarship, Japanese Toho Gakuen Fellowship, Thomastik Infeld, Czech Centres, Jewish Museum in Prague, City of Prague, City of Brno, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Slovak Radio et Ministry of Culture Czech republic.

  Il interprète le répertoire de violoncelle du 17ème, 18ème, 19ème, 20ème et 21ème siècles, en particulier les compositions pour violoncelle solo de Johann Sebastian Bach, Max Reger, Ernest Bloch et Benjamin Britten.

  Il se concentre aussi sur les œuvres des compositeurs tchèques ( Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů, Josef Suk et Irena Kosíková ), compositeurs de Terezín ( Gideon Klein, Erwin Schulhoff, Zikmund Schul, Jaromír Weinberger, James Simon a David Popper ) et compositeurs contemporains ( Conrad Beck, Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Benjamin Britten, Henri Dutilleux, Wolfgang Fortner, Alberto Ginastera, Cristobal Halffter, Hans Werner Henze, Heinz Holliger, Klaus Huber et Witold Lutoslawski ). František Brikcius joue d'un violoncelle " George Kriwalski " fabriqué en 1904.

  Avec sa sœur Anna Brikciusová, il est co-fondateur du duo de violoncelle " Duo Brikcius ". Il est artistique directeur du Festival Brikcius - cycle de concerts de la musique de chambre à Prague et Waltham Forest Cello Fest - " London Borough of Culture meets Classical Music " à Londres.

  František Brikcius a créé le film indépendant documentaire MAKANNA ( le projet musical MAKANNA était réalisé en collaboration Musée juif a Prague, sous le patronage de Sir Tom Stoppard et Václav Havel ). Le document était projeté en République tchèque, Grande-Bretagne, Chine, au Mexique et au Portugal. Actuellement il prépare l’autre projet documentaire musicale eSACHERe ( 2022 ).

  En tant que soliste, il a joué en Algérie, Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Ghana, Grande-Bretagne, Israël, Italie, au Japon, Liberia, à Liberland, en Ouzbékistan, au Pakistan, en Pologne, République tchèque, Russie, Serbie, Suède, Togo et en Turquie.

  Il enseigne lors de cours d'été de master de violoncelle en France, Italie, Grande-Bretagne et en ligne via Zoom ou Skype.

  Il a été invité aux jurys de divers concours de musique, dont le Berliner International Music Competition en Allemagne, les Music and Stars Awards, le Music International Grand Prix, le Sound Espressivo Global Competition, les Palm Beach International Music Awards, le Charleston International Music Competition, le King's Peak International Concours de musique et Festival international du cinéma de Bakou en Azerbaïdjan.

  Pour plus d'informations sur František Brikcius et ses projets ( par ex. " Prague - Brno: 6 compositeurs contemporains pour violoncelle solo dans l'interprétation de František Brikcius ", " L'Arte dell'Arco de Tartini dans l'interprétation de František Brikcius ", " 7 chandelles ", " Weinberger Tour ", " Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour ", " MAKANNA " & " eSACHERe " ), veuillez consulter les pages internet , et .

  Český violoncellista František Brikcius se narodil v Praze, v rodině s bohatým kulturním zázemím. Hře na violoncello se začal věnovat již v raném dětství. Po absolutoriu Konzervatoře v Praze, pod vedením prof. Jaroslava Kulhana, byl přijat na Janáčkovu akademii múzických umění (JAMU) v Brně do violoncellové třídy prof. Bedřicha Havlíka. Absolvoval u prof. Evžena Rattaye. Následuje studium na Toho Gakuen v Japonsku a ve Velké Británii v mistrovské violoncellové třídě prof. Anny Shuttleworth (Eton Cello Master Classes a University of Leeds).

  František Brikcius je držitelem 2. ceny na mezinárodní soutěži Anglo-Czech Competition v Londýně (1999), International String Competition London (2000) v Londýně a na mezinárodní smyčcové soutěži International String Competition (2003) v Jihlavě. Byl oceněn titulem Stipendista Nadace Českého hudebního fondu (ČHF) za interpretaci českých skladatelů v letech 2001 a 2002. Mimo jiné byl podpořen Ministerstvem kultury České republiky, Hudební nadací OSA a Nadací Gideona Kleina za propagaci děl židovských skladatelů, kteří zahynuli během Holokaustu.

  Věnuje se interpretaci violoncellových skladeb 17., 18., 19., 20. a 21. století. Zejména pak skladbám pro violoncello sólo. A violoncellovým suitám Johanna Sebastiana Bacha, Maxe Regera, Ernesta Blocha a Benjamina Brittena.

  Dále se soustředí na díla českých (Antonín Dvořák, Leoš Janáček, Bohuslav Martinů, Josef Suk a Irena Kosíková), tzv. terezínských (Gideon Klein, Erwin Schulhoff, Zikmund Schul, Jaromír Weinberger, James Simon a David Popper) a současných skladatelů (Conrad Beck, Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Benjamin Britten, Henri Dutilleux, Wolfgang Fortner, Alberto Ginastera, Cristobal Halffter, Hans Werner Henze, Heinz Holliger, Klaus Huber and Witold Lutoslawski). František Brikcius hraje na mistrovské violoncello "George Kriwalski" zhotovené roku 1904.

   Je spolu se svou sestrou Annou Brikciusovou zakládajícím členem violoncellového dua "Duo Brikcius". Je uměleckým ředitelem Festivalu Brikcius - cyklu koncertů komorní hudby v Praze, Bach Festival Gers ve Francii a Waltham Forest Cello Fest - "London Borough of Culture meets Classical Music" v Londýně.

  František Brikcius je autorem nezávislého filmového hudebního dokumentu MAKANNA (koncertní provedení se konalo ve spolupráci s Židovským muzeem v Praze pod záštitou Sira Toma Stopparda a Václava Havla). Dokument MAKANNA byl již uveden v České republice, Číně, Mexiku, Portugalsku a Velké Británii. V současné době pracuje na novém filmovém hudebním dokumentu eSACHERe (2022).

  Vystoupil v České republice, Alžírsku, Belgii, Bosně a Hercegovině, Bulharsku, Francii, Ghaně, Izraeli, Itálii, Japonsku, Libérii, Liberlandu, Německu, Pákistánu, Pobřeží slonoviny, Polsku, Rakousku, Rusku, Srbsku, Togu, Turecku, Uzbekistánu, Švédsku a Velké Británii.

  Vyučuje na letních mistrovských violoncellových kursech ve Francii, Itálii a Velké Británii a online via Zoom nebo Skype.

  Byl pozván do porot různých hudebních soutěží, včetně the Berliner International Music Competition v Německu, the Music and Stars Awards, the Music International Grand Prix, the Sound Espressivo Global Competition, the Palm Beach International Music Awards, the King's Peak International Music Competition, the Charleston International Music Competition a the Baku International Cinema Festival v Azerjbajdžánu.

  Více informací o Františku Brikciovi je k dispozici na stránkách , .

  Violoncellista ceco František Brikcius nasce a Praga in una famiglia dall'ampio background culturale. Sin dalla prima infanzia inizia a suonare il violoncello. Dopo aver frequentato il Conservatorio a Praga, seguito dal Prof. Jaroslav Kulhan, viene ammesso all'Accademia Musicale di Janáček (JAMU) nella città di Brno, dove segue le lezioni del Prof. Bedřich Havlik. Continua lo studio del violoncello seguendo le lezioni tenute dalla Prof.ssa Anna Shuttleworth nella Gran Bretagna. Ha studiato il Toho Gakuen Academy nell Giappone. Consegue la Laurea presso la JAMU sotto il tutorato del Prof. Evžen Rattay.

  Ha preso parte a molti corsi di livello internazionale nella Repubblica Ceca, Austria, Germania, Gran Bretagna e Israele. French Academy (Prof. J.Bárta), Terezín Composers International Master classes (Prof. D.Sella), Cello Master classes (Prof. L.Meze), Jihlava Master classes (Prof. D.Sella, Prof. E.Rattay), International Cello Interpretation Master classes (Prof. S.Apolín), Summer Academy in Semmering (Prof. C.Onsczay, Prof. T.Kühne), Cello Master classes (Prof. L.Uynterlinde), Eton Cello Master classes (Prof. J.Goritzki, Prof. Melissa Phelps, Prof. Anna Shuttleworth), Jerusalem Academy Master classes in Jezreel Valley (Prof. S.Magen), Terezín Composers Master classes in Israel (Prof. D.Sella).

  Festival ai quali ha preso parte: Lotherton Hall Young Artists Platform (Gran Bretagna), Festival Czech and Slovak Music in London (Gran Bretagna), Festival History, Music & Memory (Israele), Festival Music in the Valley (Israele), Violoncello in Brussels (Belgio), Spring in Russia (Mosca), LFŠ (Repubblica Ceca), Year of Jewish Culture - 100 Years of the Jewish Museum in Prague (Repubblica Ceca), Weinberger Tour (Repubblica Ceca), Dvořák's musical Nelahozeves (Repubblica Ceca), Musicale delle Nazioni (Italia), Premières rencontres avec Paul Bazelaire (Francia), Chotěboř's Spring (Repubblica Ceca), Boskovice (Repubblica Ceca), Baščaršijske noći (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour, 54th Dvořák's Festival, Festival Theatrum Kuks, European Days of Jewish Culture, Století andělů a ďáblů v Pošumaví, Daniel Pearl Music Festival, Festival Rádia Devín (Slovakia), 2e Festival Culturel International de Musique Symphonique (Algeria), Smetana's Days Festival, Festival Brikcius.

  Festival di violoncello ai quali ha assistito: RNCM Manchester International Cello Festival 2004, Cello Meisterkurse & Konzerte Kronberg Academy 2004.

  František Brikcius ha vinto il premio alla Anglo-Czech Competition a Londra (1999), il secondo premio alla International String Competition London (2000), il secondo premio alla International String Competition Jihlava (2003).

  É stato membro della Fondazione Musicale Ceca (ČHF) nel 2001/2002 interpretando compositori cechi contemporanei.

  František Brikcius ha ottenuto il supporto dei seguenti organismi culturali grazie all' elargizione di borse di studio: Foundation Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových, Österreichisches Kulturinstitut Prag, Johannes Brahms Wettbewerb, Czech Music Foundation (ČHF), Fondazione Gideon Klein per la propagazione delle opere scritte da Gideon Klein, Fondazione Pro talent, Fondazione OSA, Fondazione Charta 77, Fondazione Život Umělce, Borsa di Studio della Summer Academy in Semmering, Borsa di Studio Socrates- Erasmus, Fellowship Japanese di Toho Gauken, Thomastik Infeld, Czech Centres, Jewish Museum in Prague, City of Prague, City of Brno, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Slovak Radio and Ministry of Culture Czech republic.

  Ha dedicato la sua vita all'interpretazione di pezzi composti per violoncello scritti da compositori dei secoli XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI, con speciale attenzione alle composizioni per solista. Il suo interesse si concentra anche su opere composte da artisti contemporanei, cechi e di Terezín.

  Lo strumento suonato da Brikcius é il violoncello "George Kriwalski", fabbricato nel 1904. É, insieme alla sorella Anna Brikciusová, mebro fondante del "Duo Brikcius". They will both appear as part of the "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" in Czech republic (Praha, Brno, Chotěboř, Lidice, Točník, Velké Březno, Veselí nad Moravou, Jičín, Telč, Boskovice, Praha - Šeberov, Klatovy, Praha - Chodov, Praha - Vysočany, Praha - Slivenec, Radnice, Louny, Turnov, Frýdlant, Praha - Petrovice, Polešovice, Tábor, Beroun, Rájec-Jestřebí, Plzeň, Kladno, ...) and abroad (Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, USA and United Kingdom).

  Collaborazione musicale con Talich chamber orchestra, pianista Tomáš Víšek, compositore Irena Kosíková e conductore Jan Talich.

  Concert tours "Brikcius Cello Tour", "Weinberger Tour" and "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" in Algeria, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom. More information about František Brikcius and his projects ("Prague - Brno: 6 Contemporary composers for cello solo in the interpretation of František Brikcius", "Tartini's L'Arte dell'Arco in the interpretation of František Brikcius". "7 Candles", "Weinberger Tour", "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour", "MAKANNA" & "eSACHERe") is available on websites .

  Der tschechische Cellist František Brikcius wurde in Prag geboren. Er studierte am dortigen Konservatorium bei Jaroslav Kulhan sowie an der Janáček Akademie für Musik und darstellende Künste (JAMU) in Brünn bei Bedřich Havlík und Evžen Rattay. Ferner war er Student an der Toho Gakuen Musikhochschule in Japan und in der Meisterklasse von Anna Shuttleworth in Großbritannien.

  Seine Ausbildung wird durch Meisterkurse in der Tschechischen Republik, Österreich, Deutschland, Großbritannien und in Israel ergänzt. French Academy (Prof. J.Bárta), Terezín Composers International Master classes (Prof. D.Sella), Cello Master classes (Prof. L.Meze), Jihlava Master classes (Prof. D.Sella, Prof. E.Rattay), International Cello Interpretation Master classes (Prof. S.Apolín), Summer Academy in Semmering (Prof. C.Onsczay, Prof. T.Kühne), Cello Master classes (Prof. L.Uynterlinde), Eton Cello Master classes (Prof. J.Goritzki, Prof. Melissa Phelps, Prof. Anna Shuttleworth), Jerusalem Academy Master classes in Jezreel Valley (Prof. S.Magen), Terezín Composers Master classes in Israel (Prof. D.Sella).

  František Brikcius war Gast der "Young Artists Concert Series at Lotherton Hall" in Leeds , dem Festival "Czech and Slovak Music" in London, den Festivals "Geschichte, Musik und Erinnerung" sowie "Music in the Valley" in Israel, dem Cellofestival "Violoncello 2005" in Brüssel, dem Internationalen Kammermusikfestival "Spring in Russia" in Moskau, dem LFŠ, dem Festival "Year of Jewish Culture - 100 Years of the Jewish Museum in Prague", dem Festival "Weinberger Tour", dem Festival "Dvořák's musical Nelahozeves", dem Festival "Musicale delle Nazioni" in Italy, dem Festival "Premières rencontres avec Paul Bazelaire" in France, dem Festival "Chotěboř's Spring", dem Festival "Boskovice 08", dem Festival "Baščaršijske noći" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dem Festival "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour", dem "54th Dvořák's Festival", dem "Festival Theatrum Kuks" dem "European Days of Jewish Culture", dem festival "Století andělů a ďáblů v Pošumaví", dem "Daniel Pearl Music Festival", dem "Festival Rádia Devín in Slovakia, dem "2e Festival Culturel International de Musique Symphonique" in Algeria um dem "Smetana's Days Festival".

  Er war außerdem Besucher beim "RNCM - Manchester International Cello Festival 2004" und nahm an Cello-Meisterkursen und Konzerten der Kronberg Academy 2004 teil.

  František Brikcius ist Gewinner der "Anglo-Czech Competition" in London (1999). Ferner wurden ihm zweite Preise bei der "International String Competition London" (2000) und dem Internationalen Streichinstrumentenwettbewerb in Jihlava (2003) verliehen.

  In den Jahren 2001 und 2002 war er aufgrund seiner Interpretationen zeitgenössischer tschechischer Kompositionen Stipendiat der Tschechischen Musikstiftung (ČHF).

  František Brikcius wurde weiterhin unterstützt durch die Stiftung Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových, durch das Österreichische Kulturinstitut Prag, den Johannes Brahms Wettbewerb, die Stiftung "Gideon Klein" wegen seines Einsatzes für die Verbreitung der Kompositionen Gideon Kleins , die Stiftung "Pro Talent", die Prager Musik-Stiftung OSA, die Stiftung "Charta 77", die Stiftung "Nadace Život Umělce", die Sommerakademie Semmering, durch das Socrates-Erasmus-Programm, das Stipendium der japanischen Hochschule Toho Gakuen, Thomastik Infeld, Czech Centers, Jewish Museum in Prague, City of Prague, City of Brno, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Slovak Radio und Ministry of Culture Czech republic.

  Sein Repertoire umfasst Kompositionen des 17. bis 21. Jahrhunderts, mit einem Fokus auf Kompositionen für Solo-Cello. Weitere Schwerpunkte seiner Arbeit liegen auf Tschechichen Komponisten sowie Komponisten aus Terezín und zeitgenösischen Komponisten.

  František Brikcius spielt ein Instrument von George Kriwalski, 1904. Mit seiner Schwester Anna Brikcius formt er das "Duo Brikcius". They will both appear as part of the "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour" in Czech republic (Praha, Brno, Chotěboř, Lidice, Točník, Velké Březno, Veselí nad Moravou, Jičín, Telč, Boskovice, Praha - Šeberov, Klatovy, Praha - Chodov, Praha - Vysočany, Praha - Slivenec, Radnice, Louny, Turnov, Frýdlant, Praha - Petrovice, Polešovice, Tábor, Beroun, Rájec-Jestřebí, Plzeň, Kladno, ...) and abroad (Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, USA and United Kingdom).

  Die Musikkooperation mit Talich chamber orchestra, Pianist Tomáš Víšek, Komponist Irena Kosíková und Dirigent Jan Talich.

  2007 wird er im Rahmen der "Brikcius Cello Tour 2007" in Österreich, der Tschechischen Republik, Frankreich, Italien, Polen und Großbritannien auftreten. Weitere Informationen über František Brikcius und seine Projekte ("Prag - Brünn: 6 zeitgenössische Kompositionen für Cello Solo in Interpetationen von František Brikcius", "Tartinis L'Arte dell'Arco in der Interpretation von František Brikcius", "7 Candles", "Weinberger Tour", "Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour", "MAKANNA" und "eSACHERe") finden Sie unter .



Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 1. Suite G-dur (BWV 1007)
- Prélude
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Menuet I., II.
- Gigue

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 2. Suite d-moll (BWV 1008)
- Prélude
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Menuet I., II.
- Gigue

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 3. Suite C-dur (BWV 1009)
- Prélude
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Bourée I., II.
- Gigue

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 4. Suite Es-dur (BWV 1010)
- Prélude
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Bourée I., II.
- Gigue

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 5. Suite c-moll (BWV 1011)
- Prélude. Fuga
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Gavotte I., II.
- Gigue

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 6. Suite D-dur (BWV 1012)
- Prélude
- Allemande
- Courante
- Sarabande
- Gavotte I., II.
- Gigue

Nicholas Batina (Antonín Dvořák): The song my father never taught me (2022), for František Brikcius

Conrad Beck (1901 - 1989): Für Paul Sacher, Drei Epigramme für Violoncello solo (1975)
I. Moderato
II. Tranquillo

Luciano Berio (1925 - 2003): A Paul Sacher, Les mots sont allés ... (1979), ("recitativo" pour cello seul)

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): Suite No. 1 for cello solo (1956)

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): Suite No. 2 for cello solo (1956)

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): Suite No. 3 for cello solo (1957)

Ray Boyle: Grey Clouds in August for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius

Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976): Suite for Cello No 1, Op. 72 (1964)
- Canto primo: Sostenuto e largamente
- I. Fuga: Andante moderato
- II. Lamento: Lento rubato
- Canto secondo: Sostenuto
- III. Serenata: Allegretto pizzicato
- IV. Marcia: Alla marcia moderato
- Canto terzo : Sostenuto
- V. Bordone: Moderato quasi recitativo
- VI. Moto perpetuo e Canto quarto: Presto

Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976): Suite for Cello No 2, Op. 80 (1967)
- Declamato: Largo
- Fuga: Andante
- Scherzo: Allegro molto
- Andante lento
- Ciaccona: Allegro

Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976): Suite for Cello No 3, Op. 87 (1971)
- Introduzione: Lento
- Marcia: Allegro
- Canto: Con Moto
- Barcarolla: Lento
- Dialogo: Allegretto
- Fuga: Andante espressivo
- Recitativo: Fantastico
- Moto perpetuo: Presto
- Passacaglia: Lento solenne

Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976): Tema 'Sacher' for Cello solo (1976)

Michael Coleman: 6:32 Central for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius

Oluwatooni Debisi-Ajayi: Solitude (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius

Henri Dutilleux (1916 - 2013): Hommage a Paul Sacher, 3 Strophes sur le nom de Sacher (1976 - 1982)
I. Un poco indeciso
II. Andante sostenuto
III. Vivace

Zoe Felton: Dreams in Motion (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius

Carlotta Ferrari (*1975): Piccole variazioni Chava (2022), un minuto di musica kletymer per violoncello solo, a František Brikcius

Zdeněk Fibich (1850 - 1900): Poem, arr. F. Brikcius

Luboš Fišer (1935 - 1999): Sonata (1987)

Wolfgang Fortner (1907 - 1987): Herrn Mstislav Rostropovich zum Spielen für den 70. Geburtstag, des gemeinsamen Freundes Paul Sacher
Thema und Variationen für Violoncello solo (1976)
Thema Andante
Variation I. Ziemlich frei im Tempo
Variation II. Presto
Variation III. (Kanon) Mäßig langsame Viertel

Domenico Gabrielli (1659 - 1690): 7 Ricercari (1689)
- Ricercar 1
- Ricercar 2
- Ricercar 3
- Ricercar 4
- Ricercar 5
- Ricercar 6
- Ricercar 7

Alberto Ginastera (1916 - 1983):Puneña No. 2, Hommage a Paul Sacher, op. 45 (1976)
I. Harawi
II. Wayno Karnavalito

Cristobal Halffter (1930 - 2021): Variation über das Thema eSACHERe (1975), Paul Sacher, zu seinem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Passacaglia

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Fuga

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Blacksmith

Petr Hejný (*1956): Metal Sonata (1983)

Hans Werner Henze (1926 - 2012): Cappriccio per Paul Sacher (1976 - 1981)

Addison Hightower: A Simple Comfort (2022), written for František Brikcius

Paul Hindemith (1895 - 1963): Sonata für violoncelo Solo Op. 25, Nr. 3
- I. Lebhaft, sehr markiert
- II. Mässig schnell, Gemächlich
- III. Langsam
- IV. Lebhafte Viertel
- V. Mässig schnell

Heinz Holliger (1939): Paul Sacher zum 70. Geburtstag
Chaconne für Violoncello solo (1975)
P(ost) S(criptum)

Arthur Honegger (1892 - 1955): Paduana pour violoncelle solo, H. 181 (1945)

Klaus Huber (1924 - 2017): Transpositio ad infinitum (1976), Für ein virtuoses Solocello geschrieben auf Anregung von Mstislav Rostropovich, Paul Sacher zum 70. Geburtstag

Christine Jeandroz: What if ? (Et si ?) (2022), to František Brikcius

Jan Jirásek (*1955): Dilema (1987)

Fred Katz (1919 - 2013): Granadinos

Fred Katz (1919 - 2013): The Soldier Puppet

E.B.Kerr: Fullness of Time for solo cello (2022), for František Brikcius

Julius Klengel (1859 - 1933): Caprice, op. 43

Zoltán Kodály (1882 - 1935): Capriccio

Irena Kosíková: Gone in 60 seconds for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius

Irena Kosíková: Stopy (2004)

Irena Kosíková: Saro Wiwa I., II. (2005)

Gyorgy Ligeti (1923 - 2006): Sonata for cello solo
- I. Dialogo
- II. Capriccio

Witold Lutoslawski (1913 - 1994): Paul Sacher zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet, Sacher-Variation für Cello Solo (1975)

Jiří Matys (1927 - 2016): Fantasie a Rondo

Alfredo Piatti (1822 - 1901): Dodici capricci, op. 25

Sergej Prokofjev (1891 - 1953): March

Billie Reason: The Enchanted Cavern (2022), for František Brikcius

Max Reger (1873 - 1916): I. Suite G-dur für Violoncello Solo, Op. 131c
- I. Präludium
- II. Adagio
- III. Fuge

Max Reger (1873 - 1916): II. Suite d-moll für Violoncello Solo, Op. 131c
- I. Präludium
- II. Gavotte
- III. Largo
- IV. Gigue

Max Reger (1873 - 1916): III. Suite a-moll für Violoncello Solo, Op.131c
- I. Präludium
- II. Scherzo
- III. Andante con variazioni

Erwin Schulhoff (1894 - 1942): Bassnachtigall (1922)

James Simon (1880 - 1944): Arioso für Violoncello allein (21/22 Mai '29)

Bedřich Smetana (1824 - 1884): Z domoviny / From my homeland, arr. F. Brikcius

Eugen Suchoň (1908 - 1993): Aká si mi krásna ... , arr. F. Brikcius

Michal Šlais (*2010): Elephants and a fly (2022), dedicated to Czech cellist František Brikcius

Miloš Štědroň (*1942): Tance krále Leara (1995)

Giuseppe Tartini (1692 - 1770): L'Arte dell'Arco (tran. Paul Bazelaire), 50 Variations sur un thème de Corelli

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767): Suita D-dur, TWV 40:1
- Preludium Andante
- Courante. Allegro Vivace
- Recitativ a Arie. Lento espressivo
- Menuet. Allegro

Frederick Alden Terry: Reaching for More (2022), for František Brikcius

Carol Worthey: Haunted Woods or Super-Hearing for solo cello (2022), dedicated to Frantisek Brikcius

Mark Zuckerman (*1948): Affirmation solo 'cello (2022), for Frantisek Brikcius

Alexander Grigorjevič Arutjunjan (*1920): Expromt

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 1. Sonata G-dur (BWV 1027)
- 1. Adagio
- 2. Allegro ma non tanto
- 3. Andante
- 4. Allegro moderato

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 2. Sonata D-dur (BWV 1028)
- 1. Adagio
- 2. Allegro
- 3. Andante
- 4. Allegro

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): 3. Sonata g-moll (BWV 1029)
- 1. Vivace
- 2. Adagio
- 3. Allegro

Milij Alexejevič Balakirev (1837 - 1910): Romance E-dur

Béla Bartók (1881 - 1945): Rapsodie
- Moderato
- Allegro moderato

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sonata F-dur op. 5/1 (1796)
- Adagio sostenuto - Allegro
- Rondo. Allegro vivace

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sonata g-moll op. 5/2 (1796)
- Adagio sostenuto e espressivo - Allegro molto più tosto presto
- Rondo. Allegro

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sonata A-dur op. 69 (1808)
- Allegro, ma non tanto
- Scherzo. Allegro molto
- Adagio cantabile. Allegro vivace

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sonata C-dur op. 102/1 (1815)
- Andante - Allegro vivace
- Adagio - Tempo d'andante - Allegro vivace

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sonata D-dur op. 102/2 (1815)
- Allegro con brio
- Adagio con molto sentimento d'affetto
- Allegro. Allegro fugato

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Zwölf Variationen über ein Thema aus dem Oratorium "Judas Maccabäus" von Händel

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Zwölf Variationen über das Thema "Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen" aus der Oper "Die Zauberflöte" von Mozart, Op. 66

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827): Sieben Variationen über das Thema "Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen" aus der Oper "Die Zauberflöte" von Mozart

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): Méditation Hébraïque (1924)

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): From Jewish Life (1925)

Luigi Boccherini (1743 - 1805): Sonata 1. A-dur (G. 13)
- Allegro moderato
- Largo
- Allegro

Luigi Boccherini (1743 - 1805): Sonata 6. A-dur (G. 4)
- Adagio
- Allegro
- Affettuoso

Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897): Sonate e-moll, Op. 38
- Allegro non troppo
- Allegretto quasi Menuetto. Trio
- Allegro

Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897): Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 6

Jean Baptiste Breval (1753 - 1823): Sonata G-dur
- Allegro brillante
- Adagio molto cantabile
- Rondo. Allegro con graziozo

Benjamin Britten (1913 - 1976): Sonata in C for Cello and Piano, Op. 65 (1961)
- I. Dialogo: Allegro
- II. Scherzo-pizzicato: Allegretto
- III. Elegia: Lento
- IV. Marcia: Energico
- V. Moto perpetuo: Presto

Dietrich Buxtehude (1637 - 1707): Sonata D-Dur

Pablo Casals (1876 - 1973): Song of the Birds

Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Klid op. 68

Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Rondo g-moll op. 94

Zdeněk Fibich (1850 - 1900): Poem

Jean Françaix (1912 - 1997): Berceuse, arr. Maurice Gendron

Jean Françaix (1912 - 1997): Nocturne, arr. Maurice Gendron

Jean Françaix (1912 - 1997): Serenade, arr. Maurice Gendron

Cesar Franck (1822 - 1890): Sonata A-Dur
I. Allegretto ben moderato
II. Allegro
III. Recitativo - Fantasia
IV. Allegretto poco mosso

Enrique Granados (1867 - 1916): Intermezzo (tran. Gaspar Cassadó)

Sonja Grossner: Sonata Appassionato for cello and piano (1998)

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Sonata B-dur
- Allegro non tanto, ma con brio
- Andantino, quasi Allegretto
- Moderato

Arthur Honegger (1892 - 1955): Sonate pour violoncelle et piano en ré mineur (H. 32)
- Allegro non tropo
- Andante sostenuto
- Presto

Leoš Janáček (1854 - 1928): Pohádka
- Con Moto. Andante
- Con Moto. Adagio
- Allegro

Leoš Janáček (1854 - 1928): Presto

Leoš Janáček (1854 - 1928): Lístek odvanutý

Irena Kosíková: d-Fence (2007)

Iša Krejčí (1904 - 1968): Sonatina Concertante (Koncertantní sonatina)
- Prolog. Allegro molto vivace
- Moderato e mesto
- Rondo

August Kühnel (1645 - 1700?): Partita XIV.
- Preludium
- Allemande
- Corrente
- Sarabande
- Giga

Édouard Lalo (1823 - 1892) : Sonate pour violoncelle et piano en la mineur (1856)
- Andante non troppo. Allegro moderato
- Andante
- Allegro

Pietro Antonio Locatelli
(1695 - 1764): Sonata D-dur
- Allegro
- Adagio
- Minuetto

Witold Lutoslawski (1913 - 1994): Metamorphoses, Grave (1981)

Marin Marais (1656 - 1728): La Foglia

Bohuslav Martinů (1890 - 1959): III. Sonata
- Poco Andante. Moderato
- Andante
- Allegro, ma non Presto

Bohuslav Martinů (1890 - 1959): Variations sur un theme slovaque

Bohuslav Martinů (1890 - 1959): Variations on a Theme of Rossini for Cello and Piano

Astor Piazzola (1921 - 1992): Milonga in Re
- Tango

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Adagio, op. 65, nr. 1

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Ungarische Rhapsodie, op. 68

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Tarantela G-dur, op. 33

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Spinnlied, op. 55

Sergej Prokofjew (1891 - 1953): Ballade, Op. 15

Max Reger (1873 - 1916): Aria für Violoncello mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, Op. 103a (1908), (Herrn Prof. Julius Klengel)
- Adagissimo

Franz Peter Schubert (1797 - 1828): Sonata a-moll, Arpeggione
- Allegro moderato
- Adagio
- Allegretto

Erwin Schulhoff (1894 - 1942): Sonate (1914)
- I. Frisch
- II. Langsam und getragen
- III. Fliessend, im Tempo di Minuetto
- IV. Rondo. Munter

Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856): Fantasiestücke, op. 73
- I. Zart und mit Ausdruck
- II. Lebhaft, leicht
- III. Rasch und mit Feuer

Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856): Stücke im Volkston, op. 102
- I. Mit Humor
- II. Langsam
- III. Nicht schnell
- IV. Nicht zu rasch
- V. Stark und markiert

James Simon (1880 - 1944): Lamento für Cello (in jemenitischer Weise), Meinem Lieber Martin! (1938)

Bedřich Smetana (1824 - 1884): Z domoviny / From my homeland

Bedřich Smetana (1824 - 1884): Vzpomínka op. 4, č. 3., arr. Miloš Sádlo

Josef Suk (1874 - 1935): Balada a Serenáda op. 3

Antonio Vandini (1690? - 1773): Sonata F-dur

Jaromír Weinberger (1896 - 1967): Colloque sentimental - Prélude d'après le poème de Paul Verlaine (1920), arr. F. Brikcius

Jaromír Weinberger (1896 - 1967): Une Cantilène jalouse (1920), arr. F. Brikcius

Ernest Bloch (1880 - 1959): Schelomo: Rhapsodie Hébraïque for cello solo and large orchestra (1916)

Luigi Boccherini (1743 - 1805): Koncert B-dur, Friedrich Grützmacher
- Allegro moderato
- Adagio non tropo
- Rondo. Allegro

Luigi Boccherini (1743 - 1805): Koncert B-dur, G. 482
- Allegro moderato
- Andantino grazioso
- Rondo. Allegro

Pierre Boulez (1925 - 2016): Messagesquisse pour 7 violoncelles (1976)

Max Bruch (1838 - 1920): Kol Nidrei op. 47
- Adagio

Pablo Casals (1876 - 1973): Song of the birds

Petr Iljič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893): Variace na rokokové téma A-dur, op. 33

Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Rondo g-moll, op. 94

Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Klid, op. 68

Antonín Dvořák (1841 - 1904): Koncert h-moll, op. 104
- Allegro
- Adagio ma non troppo
- Finale. Allegro moderato

Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809): Koncert C-dur, Hob. VIIb:1
- Moderato
- Adagio
- Allegro molto

Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809): Koncert D-dur, Hob. VIIb:2
- Allegro moderato
- Adagio
- Allegro

Irena Kosíková: 7 Candles (2006) for cello and string orchestra

Irena Kosíková: Ballet MAKANNA (2010) for ballet, voice, cello and string orchestra

Iša Krejčí (1904 - 1968): Concertino pro violoncello a orchestr
- Lento. Allegro
- Lento e mesto
- Lento. Molto Allegro

Edouard Victor Antoine Lalo (1823 - 1892): Koncert d-moll
- Lento. Allegro maestoso
- Intermezzo. Andantino con moto. Allegro presto
- Introduction. Andante. Allegro vivace

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Tarantela G-dur op. 33

David Popper (1843 - 1913): Ungarische Rhapsodie, op. 68

Ottorino Respighi (1879 - 1936): Adagio con variazioni

Charles Camille Saint Saëns (1835 - 1921): 1.Koncert a-moll, op. 33
- Allegro non tropo. Allegro con motto. Tempo I.

Robert Alexander Schumann (1810 - 1856): Koncert a-moll, op. 129
- Nicht zu schnell
- Langsam
- Sehr lebhaft

Alexandre Tansman (1897 - 1986): Fantaisie
- Moderato. Molto vivace

Giuseppe Tartini (1692 - 1770): Koncert D-dur
- Largo
- Allegro
- Grave
- Allegro

Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741): Koncert G-dur
- Allegro
- Largo
- Allegro



Book your cello lessons and/or cello masterclasses with cellist František Brikcius now.
XXVII. Anniversary LMFL International Summer Music Course - Cello
15th - 29th July 2024 / Llandovery (Wales), The United Kingdom

  The XXVII. Anniversary LMFL International Summer Music Course - LMFL Summer Cello Masterclasses with cellist František Brikcius.

  A specialised, intensive Music Course for young musicians preparing exams, auditions and competitions with some of the worlds best teachers.

  Book main course (from 15th July to 29th July 2024) with cellist František Brikcius now.

- 10 hours one to one tuition
- Cello lessons (from beginners to advanced)
- String Orchestra / Choir / Concert / Trinity College Music Exams
- Accompanied from 6 to 12 years old /unaccompanied students from 12 to 17 years old
- Llandovery College Carmarthenshire in Wales

26th - 31st August 2024 / online

  Vous êtes cordialement invités à l'événement du 9ème BACH FESTIVAL GERS 2024 - BFG COURS DE MUSIQUE D'ÉTÉ EN LIGNE.

  Master classes seront de mardi le 26 août à samedi le 31 août 2024 de 9:00 à 17:00 H ( 55 minutes ), en ligne via Zoom / Skype.

Irena KOSÍKOVÁ - Cours d'Orgue
Anna BRIKCIUSOVÁ - Cours de Violoncelle
František BRIKCIUS - Cours de Violoncelle
DUO BRIKCIUS - Cours de Musique de Chambre

  Pour tous les groupes d'âge ( 4 - 99 ) et tous les niveaux ( débutants, étudiants, avancés ).

  Réservez vos leçons individuelles de cours de musique classique instrumentale ( violoncelle, orgue, musique de chambre ) en ligne.

Online Cello Master Classes with Cellist František Brikcius
Seasons 2024 - 2026 / online

  Internationally recognised cello performer and tutor.

  Experienced at taking students at all levels, able to give cello lessons and cello master classes as well as support beginners. Interested in Baroque and modern cello music.


+ cca 5 minutes for technical set up

  Individual remote cello lessons and cello master classes online via Zoom or Skype.

  Book your online cello lesson with František Brikcius now.

  All ages and abilities are welcome!

WFCF Cello Academy - Online Summer Cello Master Classes
28th July - 3rd August 2025 / online

  The 5th WALTHAM FOREST CELLO FEST 2025 in London invites you to the CELLO ACADEMY - Online Summer Cello Master Classes via Zoom / Skype.

  Individual Online Cello Lessons will take place daily from Monday 28th July till Sunday 3rd August 2025 @ cca 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (cca 55 minutes slots), online via Zoom or Skype.



  Book your One-to-One Cello OnLine Summer Course now (limited number of accepted students). It includes FINAL online performance meeting.

  All ages (4-99), levels (Initial Grade, Grades 1-8) and abilities (beginner, student, advanced) are welcome!

27ème Académie Musicalta - Violoncelle
1st - 10th August 2023 / Alsace, France

  The 27th Musicalta Music Academy is open to all instrumentalists and singers wishing to improve, whatever their age and level.

  The academy is certified to host minor students for whom a constant supervision is provided by qualified and experienced advisors.

  Book Session 2 (from August 1st to 10th, 2023) with cellist František Brikcius now.

- An outstanding campus located in a vast park at the foot of the vineyards
- Classes, practice rooms, concerts and accommodation all located on the campus
- Plenty of free additional activities: string ensemble, singing and choral workshops, relaxation and stimulation workshops
- Free access to Musicalta Festival concerts, lectures, all courses as guest auditor
- Leisure activities on campus: Free access to the swimming pool (under supervision for underage students), gym (ping-pong, badminton, basket…), football fields, access to the bar for over 18 students and theme parties.


Music Documentary Film MAKANNA

  Music documentary film MAKANNA, based on the novel of the Jewish writer Jiří Weil (1900 - 1959), from the concert performance of the ballet MAKANNA, composed by composer Irena Kosíková for voice (Jan Židlický), solo cello (František Brikcius) and orchestra (Jan Talich - conductor, Talich Chamber Orchestra), was held at the Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia under the auspices of Sir Tom Stoppard and Václav Havel.

  The novel Makanna - The Father of Miracles describes the rise and fall of a historical person - the 7th century false prophet with his face covered with the green veil and his eyes glowing as embers . ........ "Unearthed from ancient times, this unfamiliar oriental world becomes in this novel a living, colourful picture reminding us of not-so-distant historical tyranny"

  The film premier took place at the Vaclav Havel Library in Prague to commemorate the 115th anniversary of birth of the Jewish writer Jiří Weil and Daniel Pearl World Music Days. It was already screened in Beijing (the 9the European Union Film Festival in China), in Lisbon (MUVI - International Music Film Festival in Portugal), in Mexico (FIC AUTOR - Author's International Film Festival) and in London (WALTHAM FOREST CELLO FEST 2019 - "London Borough of Culture meets Classical Music").

  There are English (Czech, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese) subtitles available (you can turn them on by clicking the subtitles/captions icon at the bottom of the video).

  For more details visit , and .

Music Documentary Film eSACHERe (Trailer)

 Music documentary film eSACHERe features Czech cellist František Brikcius, who is presenting music by top 12 contemporary composers (C. Beck, L. Berio, P. Boulez, B. Britten, H. Dutilleux, W. Fortner, A. Ginastera, C. Halffter, H. W. Henze, H. Holliger, K. Huber and W. Lutoslawski) and explaining, why they are all using the Sacher hexachord (Es, A, C, H, E, Re - musical cryptogram on the name of Swiss conductor Paul Sacher).

  In the occasion of the 70th birthday of Swiss conductor and maecenas Paul Sacher, Russian cellist Mstislav Rostropovich asked 12 composers (Conrad Beck, Luciano Berio, Pierre Boulez, Benjamin Britten, Henri Dutilleux, Wolfgang Fortner, Alberto Ginastera, Cristobal Halffter, Hans Werner Henze, Heinz Holliger, Klaus Huber and Witold Lutoslawski) to create dozen compositions for cello using theme from the name of Paul Sacher (Es, A, C, H, E, Re). They were partially premiered in Zurich 2nd May 1976.

  Decades later, Czech Cellist František Brikcius introduced this wonderful set of dozen compositions (we were told that it was for the first time performed by one cellist) at the Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia in Prague. Concert was held under the auspices of the Embassy of Switzerland in the cooperation with the National Gallery in Prague, as part of Daniel Pearl World Music Days and it was supported by scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and the Britten-Pears Foundation.

  New music documentary film eSACHERe (2025) explains the genesis of this unique music project. Visit and .


Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame featuring cellist František Brikcius

  Vox Novus called for one-minute pieces composed for solo cello. Selected works were premiered on Saturday 3rd December, 2022 on Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame featuring cellist František Brikcius. This performance was presented as a live streaming online concert with Virtual Concert Halls broadcasted to multiple streaming platforms such as YouTube and Facebook.

  Only works one-minute in length for cello were considered. For this Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame, we looked for solo cello works (no electronics) specifically written for František Brikcius.

Nicholas Batina (Antonín Dvořák): The song my father never taught me (2022), for František Brikcius
Ray Boyle: Grey Clouds in August for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius
Michael Coleman: 6:32 Central for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius
Oluwatooni Debisi-Ajayi: Solitude (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius
- Carlotta Ferrari: Piccole variazioni Chava (2022), un minuto di musica kletymer per violoncello solo, a František Brikcius
- Zoe Felton: Dreams in Motion (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius
- Addison Hightower: A Simple Comfort (2022), written for František Brikcius
- Christine Jeandroz: What if ? (Et si ?) (2022), to František Brikcius
- E.B.Kerr: Fullness of Time for solo cello (2022), for František Brikcius
- Irena Kosíková: Gone in 60 seconds for solo cello (2022), dedicated to František Brikcius
- Billie Reason: The Enchanted Cavern (2022), for František Brikcius
- Michal Šlais: Elephants and a fly (2022), dedicated to Czech cellist František Brikcius
- Frederick Alden Terry: Reaching for More (2022), for František Brikcius
- Carol Worthey: Haunted Woods or Super-Hearing for solo cello (2022), dedicated to Frantisek Brikcius
- Mark Zuckerman: Affirmation solo 'cello (2022), for Frantisek Brikcius 

- Deadline for works is September 9, 2022
- Works are for cello solo only (no electronics).
- No works over one minute (60 seconds) will be reviewed.

- Works should be composed specifically for this call and performer.

- All pieces must be premieres.

- Multiple submissions are not accepted. Send your best work!

- Works need to be submitted online at

- You will need to register with Music Avatar for free to submit your work online.

- After logging in to Music Avatar, select the opportunity named "Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame featuring František Brikcius" and press the "submit" button to start the submission process.

- You will need to provide a maximum 50 word biography and 50 word program notes.

- You will be able to upload a score as a PDF file (You are also encouraged to upload an audio realisation of the work).

- Must include the dedication to František Brikcius on the score.

- Performance notes should be included in the score.
- Selected works will be broadcasted online to multiple video streaming platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo. No performance royalties will be paid. Selected composers will be asked to sign a consent form.

Results will be announced via the Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame website.

Deadline for works is September 9, 2022

Premiere on Saturday 3rd December, 2022 at 2:30 PM EDT (UTC-4)

Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame featuring cellist František Brikcius (premiere)




[2 Cellists - 2 Siblings]

  Duo Brikcius is a Czech chamber music ensemble created by two promising young cellists (brother and sister), Anna Brikciusová and František Brikcius. Both founding members are well acquainted with the solo cello repertoire, but decided to increase their repertoire with music written for this unusual combination (with great hidden potential) of two cellos. The main aims of Duo Brikcius are to study and perform works written for two cellos, enable the creation and performance of works that are not well known to the audience, encourage contemporary composers regardless of nationality or age), to create music for this ensemble, maintain the tradition of established composers, present Czech music culture abroad and bring to other people the joy of music.

  Duo Brikcius has appeared in many festivals (for example Chotěbořské jaro, Boskovice, Baščaršijske noći, Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour, Dvořák festival, European days of Jewish culture, Století andělů a ďáblů v Pošumaví, Daniel Pearl Music Festival, Festival Culturel International de Musique Symphonique, Festival Smetanovské dny, Festival Brikcius, Festival Baroko v krvi and Bach Festival Gers) both in the Czech republic and abroad (Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom). More details are available on the website .

"Života děj vane, či vleče mě sem i tam, leč jiskra vzpomínky zůstává mi ku svitu navzdory temnotě - - mnoho zdaru vám, Brikciusové!"
Vít Kremlička

  DUO BRIKCIUS formant par deux violoncellistes tchèques Anna Brikciusová et František Brikcius, sœur et frère, se concentre de performances des œuvres déjà écrites pour deux violoncelles, de présentation de la musique thèque, mais aussi inspire des créations neuves - des œuvres des compositeurs contemporaines.

  DUO BRIKCIUS a participé à plusieurs festivals en Allemagne, Algérie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, France, Pologne, République Tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Suède et Turquie.

  Comme a écrit un poète tchèque, le plus connu dans son pays - Vít Kremlička : " La vie passe, de profondes à hauteurs, mais toujours me reste une étincelle de la mémoire pour éclaircir des ténèbres - beaucoup de courage à vous DUO BRIKCIUS ! ".

  Informations sur le site .

  České violoncellové duo "Duo Brikcius", sourozenců Anny Brikciusové a Františka Brikcia, se věnuje studiu a koncertnímu provedení děl napsaných pro dvě violoncella, rozšíření znalosti současného publika o díla méně známá, zachování tradice již známých děl, inspiraci současných skladatelů (bez ohledu na národnost či věk) k tvorbě hudby pro Duo Brikcius, prezentaci české hudby v zahraničí, propagaci tvorby židovských - terezínských skladatelů a přinášení radosti z hudby.

  Duo Brikcius vystoupilo na mnoha festivalech (např. Chotěbořské jaro, Boskovice, Baščaršijske noći, Duo Brikcius - 2 Cellos Tour, Dvořákův festival, Evropské dny židovské kultury, Století andělů a ďáblů v Pošumaví, Daniel Pearl Music Festival, Festival Culturel International de Musique Symphonique, Festival Brikcius, Festival Smetanovské dny, Festival Baroko v krvi, Bach Festival Gers, Waltham Forest Cello Fest) jak v České republice, tak i v zahraničí (Alžírsko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Francie, Německo, Polsko, Švédsko, Turecko a Velká Británie). Další podrobnosti jsou k dispozici na webových stránkách .

"Života děj vane, či vleče mě sem i tam, leč jiskra vzpomínky zůstává mi ku svitu navzdory temnotě - - mnoho zdaru vám, Brikciusové!"
Vít Kremlička

Anna Brikciuová

Czech Cellist and Poet


Since 2011 in Prague

The 10th FESTIVAL BRIKCIUS - Chamber Music Concert Series in Prague (2021) -

Since 2016 in France

9ème BACH FESTIVAL GERS ( 2024 ) -

Since 2019 in London

The 5th WALTHAM FOREST CELLO FEST in London (2023), "London Borough of Culture meets Classical Music" -


CD Prague - Brno: 6 Contemporary Composers for Solo Cello
CD Prague - Brno: 6 Contemporary Composers for Solo Cello

- Jiří Matys
- Petr Hejný
- Jan Jirásek
- Luboš Fišer
- Miloš Štědroň
- Irena Kosíková

František Brikcius - Cello

15 €


Irena Kosíková: MAKANNA

Jan Talich - Conductor
František Brikcius - Cello
Jan Židlický - Narrator
& Talich Chamber Orchestra

Sold out - download via SupraphOnline here:

Sold out


For more photos follow @Brikcius
Czech Cellist František Brikcius -
Czech Cellist František Brikcius -
Czech Cellist and Poet Anna Brikciusová -
Czech Cellist František Brikcius -
Duo Brikcius -


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Follow František @Brikcius!
